
COAS Munir slams India over humanitarian



Pakistan’s civil and military leadership has expressed serious concerns about the escalating humanitarian and security challenges in the Illegally Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), emphasizing that these issues pose a significant threat to regional peace and stability.


During their visit to Muzaffarabad on Kashmir Solidarity Day, Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar and Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen Asim Munir laid emphasis on the gravity of the situation. Subsequently, Gen Asim Munir visited troops stationed at the front lines along the Line of Control (LOC) in the Sarian Sector.

Upon reaching the Jammu and Kashmir Monument Muzaffarabad, PM Kakar, PM of AJ&K, and the COAS paid tribute to the sacrifices of martyrs by placing floral wreaths at the Martyrs’ Monument. The leadership recognized the exemplary fortitude, resilience, and unwavering faith displayed by Kashmiris in the face of relentless brutality from Indian occupation forces in IIOJK.

Reaffirming Pakistan’s unwavering support for the just struggle of Kashmiris for their inalienable right to self-determination, the leaders emphasized adherence to UNSC resolutions.


The statement highlighted India’s attempts to alter the demographic composition of IIOJK through illegal administrative measures and unilaterally imposed draconian laws, along with security clampdowns. The leadership asserted that such maneuvers cannot suppress the determination of the Kashmiri people to achieve their legitimate objectives.

The COAS, briefed on the latest situation along the LoC, commended the troops for their operational readiness, high morale, and effective response to Indian ceasefire violations (CFVs). Addressing the troops, Gen Asim Munir reiterated that any aggression or violation of Pakistan’s territorial sovereignty would be met with full national resolve and military strength.

Emphasizing Pakistan Army’s perpetual readiness to respond effectively to the full threat spectrum, the COAS also highlighted India’s state-sponsored terrorism, extending to the heinous targeting of individual Pakistani citizens on Pakistani soil.

Expressing concern over India’s consistent disregard for international law and norms, the COAS noted that many countries worldwide were openly calling out India, exposing its questionable credentials. Pakistan vowed to continue exposing such attempts and ensuring the security of its citizens.

Upon arrival, the COAS was welcomed by the Commander of Rawalpindi Corps.



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